Our blog is for us to market our cattle to potential buyers. also for you the customer to keep up with the cattle that are for sale. New pictures and videos posted all the time.
Thanks Josh Humphries
Monday, April 29, 2013
Here is a march born No Limits x Priceless bull/steer that is for sale. Possibly the best steer we ever raised!!!
Here are four steers that we raised this fall they will be for sale on Feb. 28 on www.cwcattlesales.com/elliottfallborn.html the first calve is a red rock out a 1/2 sim cow his maternal sib by carpe diem sold for 10,500 in elliotts sale last spring and this one is even better we regret cutting this one. Video 2 is of the No Limits out of a goldmine/throttle cow. The shorthorn is Outrageous of a sin city/dstuff maine cow. Last but not least the bottom steer is a troubadour out of a goldmine heatseeker/meyer cow he is also a full brother to bingo our herd bull that we kept last fall that you can see bingo in an older post on the blog. Thank you for your interest and please check out the sale.
Monday, January 14, 2013
This steer sired by No Limit will be for sale on Elliott Cattle Company 2nd annual fall born sale at cwcattlesales.com along with others
this red rock steer will sale at Elliott's. his maternal brother by carpe diem brought 10,500 in Elliott's sale last year
here is a link to elliottcattle.com